I’m so excited to share this lifestyle newborn session with you! This little girl is so perfect and gorgeous, and I’m pretty sure her moms think so too!
This month has been busier than any other May I can remember…so many babies, and I absolutely love it! I love getting to snuggle them and watch them settle into their own poses…they don’t need me for that! It’s so fascinating to me to watch these little ones, who already have such strong preferences of their own when they are only days old. Norah wanted her hands right up by her face for most of the session and was so content to just be held in mom’s arms.
I think it’s so interesting that many times parents will tell me when they watch me photograph these babes in their favored positions, that they had these same preferences in the womb. From my own experience, I think there is a good chance that years from now, these kiddos will still have some of the same preferences they have had from early on. That’s what I love about baby led posing and lifestyle photography…each baby is uniquely and wonderfully made and no newborn session will ever be the same as another.