I loved meeting this family in their home to shoot Rhodes newborn session. Rhodes is the youngest of three and this lifestyle newborn session worked out perfectly. As many third babies end up being, he was pretty “go with the flow”, and so was our session.
Older siblings wanted to tickle his feet? Great! Big sister wanted to cuddle him but little brother was more interested in showing him his Buzz Lightyear, even better. This newborn was a little more alert than some, and that didn’t really matter. One reason I love lifestyle newborn sessions so much is that there are no rules…the baby doesn’t have to sleep, there is no set order of shots, and Buzz Lightyear is totally allowed. We work around what works for your family because I’m capturing you guys as you are..and all of the love, craziness and giggles that come with that.
To say this family has had a busy 2018 would be a huge understatement. They relocated to The Woodlands from Dallas only two months ago, sold their old house, bought a new one, moved into temporary housing, started a new school, had a baby, and are now getting to move into their new home. Whew. I’m tired just reading “had a baby”. This mom is my hero.