I was so excited for this in home newborn session. Last time I saw this family was for big sister Leighton’s newborn session. Since then, Leighton has stepped into her new role as the best big sister to Hannah.
Life with two two and under can be a little nutty at times. I know from experience. Those early years were a bit of a blur. When I think back, my soundtrack to the year 2010 would include lots Sesame Street, Mickey’s Clubhouse, nonstop jibber jabber from my oldest, with some tantrums sprinkled in. If I’m being honest, nap time was my favorite time of day some days.
I know all too well that time goes by way too fast though. There is so much truth to the saying, “The days are long, but the years are short.”
I also remember those sweet moments watching my two become the best of buds. These are my favorite moments to capture with my camera during these lifestyle newborn sessions…..stolen moments of new siblings getting to know each other.
Usually big siblings just want to get as close to these little wonders as possible. They reach for their hands and love pointing out all of their little features. Leighton was all about this with little Hannah.
You can almost see a flash of the future, imagining late night giggles and rainy day fort building between the two of them. It’s easy to fast forward and dream about what the future will be like between these two. But for now, mom and dad are soaking in the present….which is pretty dreamy too. They are cuddling both of their babies, and possibly relishing nap time as well.