Last year I began to offer Watch Me Grow Packages. These packages allow families to book multiple sessions to document that first year at a big savings. This family was the first family to take advantage of such a package and it has been an absolute joy to work with them.
Not only have I had a chance to watch Logan grow since birth…literally…I was so honored to watch him take his first breath. I have documented their entire family over this year and consider them friends. As always every milestone session I do within my Watch Me Grow Packages is always a family session. It’s so fun to look back at each session and see one of the sweetest big brothers I know in action as well as Logan change and grow. You can see Logan’s maternity, birth session, newborn, and 4 month sessions on the here on the blog as well.
Logan’s “sitter” session snuck up on us a bit, but we were able to schedule it just before the holidays and we tried out a new location that I just loved here in The Woodlands. This family loves hard. I think I say that every session, but I just love to watch them. They need hardly any prompting, they naturally pour love into their kids and it’s almost like they forget I’m there watching…I love that!
I’m already looking forward to seeing them again soon as we celebrate Logan turning ONE! I can’t believe it’s right around the corner.