It’s always such a gift to me when people ask and trust in me to capture their newborn pictures.
That family time after having a baby is precious, sacred, raw, and at times overwhelming as you navigate taking care of a newborn and meeting other needs. It’s too much to think of leaving the house to go to Target, let alone trying to get everyone ready and out the door to go get those “perfect” newborn photos made. So don’t. Stay in the comfort of your home and let me come to you.
My favorite newborn pictures are the perfectly imperfect ones. The ones that capture genuine love and affection for this new little one and allow for plenty of breaks and snacks/bribes in between for big brother or sister. Can I get an amen for Daniel Tiger and cookies? I love to capture all the in between stuff too…feeding the baby in the your favorite chair, giving your first born a needed cuddle, or receiving a needed look of encouragement or hug from your spouse. Because even though life is crazy those first few weeks, it’s so crazy beautiful and you are going to miss these moments….trust me.
I adore this family so much. I’ve been blessed to work with them for several years now and consider them sweet friends. And don’t get me started on big brother. I could listen to him talk all day. He would probably take Daniel Tiger over me, but I don’t take it personally. I know we’re still buds. It’s just when you’re two and there is Daniel Tiger….I know who’s usually coming out on top on that one.