Sometimes it’s really hard to figure out where to have your photo session. I always love when a client decides to have their family pictures done as a Happy Place session in their home. However, I also love beautiful outdoor natural light. I was over the moon when this family decided to do both!
When deciding on a photo session location, there are a few things I look for. The most important is available natural light. I am a natural light photographer, meaning I prefer not to use any external flash. I am always looking for beautiful light and potential photo locations. Light can so different depending on the location and time of day of the session. Often, I’ll be at a soccer game or sport practice and be inspired by pockets of beautiful light I see filtering through the trees. Sometimes I grab my camera while my kids are sitting at the kitchen table because I’m gushing over the way the window light is blanketing them in the most beautiful way.
Light doesn’t always have to be luminous and bright either. I kind of love when I crack open my son’s door when he should be asleep and find him playing on his tablet (not that part), but the way just the light from the screen lights up his face while everything else in the room is enveloped in darkness.
Another very important factor I look for when choosing a location is safety. Is it a location a place where both my clients and I will feel safe? Is parking close by? I love the look of a rustic, open field, but that’s not always a good option for families with wandering children. Other things slither, I mean wander in fields. This girl has a healthy fear of those wandering things.
I adore this family, and we’ve worked together for several years now. They are honestly the family that made me fall in love with Happy Place sessions. We’ve done several of them together. Originally, we had scheduled this session to take place at another location. That was when we thought October in Houston was reasonable. After looking at the crazy heat index, we decided to move their session back home because air conditioning always wins out.
One of my favorite sessions I’ve ever done with my own family was a hybrid. It took place part of the time in our home and ended at a favorite outdoor location of ours. I loved that it was the best of both worlds. Encouraging this family to do the same, I asked Brooke to be on the lookout for a location with pretty light near her home. I knew she would nail it because she has such a great eye.
Even I was a bit skeptical when we arrived at the chosen location because it was basically a construction site for new homes. Sometimes the most obscure places are hidden gems. Once I got my favorite portrait lens out and got to work, I knew it was the perfect location. Make sure to scroll all the way down to see what I’m talking about!