Watching first time parents so naturally take to their new role during a newborn session is one of the best parts of my job. Those first few days getting know your child can be such a blur…and exhausting…and sometimes even down right hard. You may not feel like a natural at all, but what I hope my photos remind you of is that you were perfectly chosen to love and care for this little one…there is no “right” or “perfect” way to do anything in parenting.
Love pours out and provides even when other resources feel depleted…like sleep! I love documenting all of the in between moments that continue to assure you in those first few weeks..those little eyes locked on you guided by your voice that they already know so well
the look from your spouse that lets you know your love for each other just hit a whole new level..
Newborn photography is really documenting the creation of family and providing images to help define an infinite amount of love that words alone cannot give justice to.